Please note I do not prescribe testosterone for men.

In response to the huge current interest in female testosterone, many women are seeking testosterone supplementation believing it will improve mood, brain function, stamina and general wellbeing.

Please be aware that I follow NICE guidance regarding testosterone prescribing, which only recommends considering testosterone supplementation for menopausal women with low sexual desire, if HRT alone is not effective.

Currently, the only indication for prescribing testosterone is low libido.
There is not sufficient good quality research evidence to recommend it’s use for other conditions.

Female sexuality and desire are very complex and not well understood. For many women testosterone levels have no bearing upon their libido, and supplementing testosterone certainly doesn't work for every woman either.

Testosterone is made in the ovaries and adrenal glands, which are small glands near the kidneys - and therefore there is a lifetime - although dwindling - supply. It would be unusual for a woman who is still having periods to have “low” testosterone levels.

Blood tests are not able to diagnose whether a woman requires or would benefit from testosterone supplementation but are used as a safety check to ensure levels do not exceed normal female range.

In response to increasing interest, The British Menopause Society have updated their guidance regarding testosterone prescribing and a factsheet reflecting this guidance is published on the public arm of the British Menopause Society  – Women’s Health Concern.

At present there are no available testosterone preparations licenced for female use in the UK. Previously available licenced preparations were discontinued for commercial (not medical) reasons.

Due to the lack of female testosterone preparations, testosterone products which are manufactured for use in men are used outside their product licence to provide female testosterone replacement.

The use of these products is therefore “unlicensed”, which means that the manufacturer of the medicine has not specified it can be used in this way. It is not uncommon in clinical practice to use medicines outside their product licence.
Unlicenced prescriptions need to be commenced by a specialist.

Unlicenced prescribing can lead to women experiencing difficulties obtaining future supplies – across the country there are varying Primary Care prescribing practices. Some women will be unable to access a privately commenced testosterone product on the NHS via their GP, meaning they would require long term private prescriptions.

Blood tests to check “total testosterone” level (via a vein in the arm, not a finger prick, and ideally taken in the morning) before commencing testosterone might be required – especially for perimenopausal women.
Testing after 3-6 months on treatment is also recommended.
Generally, a GP surgery can arrange these checks, or private blood testing can be accessed through local providers if necessary.

If you would like to discuss testosterone use/prescribing before committing to a consultation, please contact me directly on 07480 064763 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.