Just really like Kathie's no-nonsense and informative approach- plus I really value being able to ask some follow up questions as there is always something you forget to ask!

EF - June 2024
3 July 2024

Women's health is largely under supported across primary care, it is unfortunate I had to access the service privately, however I am grateful that I am in a position to do so. I was given poor advice 20 years ago - I wish I had been aware of a fabulous service like this back then. I am deeply saddened by my health inequality as a result of poor and misinformation which has plagued women's health for decades.

KL - June 2024
3 July 2024

I so appreciate being told about you - I haven’t received my new treatments yet but I already feel healthier about my approach to my health. You have probably heard it before but I actually think your work is having huge impacts on lives you will never meet, I hope you know how wonderful meeting you is for your patients.

SM - May 2024
3 July 2024

Kathie was very patient, thoroughly informing me on facts as there is so much mixed and different information from varying health professionals so to get actual factual information and clarity really put me at ease.

LM - May 2024
3 July 2024

Excellent service if you want honest, reliable, updated advice that helps inform your decisions about your health and wellbeing. Highly recommended.

GC - April 2024
19 May 2024

Prior to booking a consultation, Kathie answered some of my questions. I found this very helpful.

JH - April 2024
19 May 2024

So glad I took the opportunity for this menopause consultation. I feel like I know so much more about what can be a very impactful and bewildering stage of a female's life. Looking forward to seeing how the individual treatment Kathie and I decided upon works on my current symptoms. Great experience!

SV - March 2024
18 April 2024

I was very emotional throughout my consultation. Kathie had a lovely manner, was very understanding and made me feel as though I could ask any question without appearing stupid.

JT - March 2024
18 April 2024

Felt reassured by Kathie’s knowledge and expertise Kathie was approachable and easy to talk to and I felt comfortable asking questions. The follow up letter for my GP captured everything we had discussed and set out for a clear plan after struggling for so long. Thank you

CD March 2024
18 April 2024

I got recommended Kathie through a work friend and I couldn't be more happy after years of battling with X3 GP’S for HRT

LM - February 2024
9 March 2024